NIBIC Conference Programme

This high-level three-day conference will cover a range of subjects of particular interest to those working or interested in bunkering in Nigeria and Africa in general.

The conference programme (under development) will be focusing on everything bunker and shipping in Nigeria and West Africa; from Bunkering opportunities in Nigeria, Regulatory and legal issues, Seafarer safety and maritime security, Investing in ports, shipping and bunkering infrastructure, Specific profiles on key African bunkering centers, analysis of the effects of energy transition and available options for fueling ships from traditional bunker fuels to alternative fuels, and more from the perspective of the West African sub-region with Nigeria in focus. Implementation of IMO 2020 and its implication for the bunker industry in Nigeria and the West Coast of Africa will be addressed along with how the bunker industry is grappling with transparency, energy transition, efficiency through digitalization, and aiding shipping’s decarbonisation journey.

The conference is expected to feature leading players in each sector. The programme will include a variety of top-level presentations and vibrant panel discussions. A session Women in Maritime panel that will examine the participation of women within the context of the shipping and bunkering sectors in the West African sub region.

Events In Progress.


You are invited to review the programme and if you are interested in contributing or being a part of any one of the programme, we would welcome your inputs. If you feel you could make a significant contribution to the programme, please contact us via on or before April 2nd 2025.

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 (Day 1)

8.00 – 9.00
Attendance Registration and Welcome Coffee
9.00 – 9.05
Welcome Address
A new beginning for the Nigerian bunker industry: Introduction and purpose/objectives of the bunker conference for Nigeria.
9.05 – 9.15
Welcome Speech
An industry in transition, where we are, where we are going, and where will plan to end up.
9.15 – 9.30
Opening Address
Practical Steps towards a New Chapter for the Nigeria Bunker industry.
9.30 – 10.15
Challenges and Opportunities for Growth in the Nigerian Bunkering Sector

4 Panellists

10.15 – 11.00
Investing in the Bunker Sector In Nigeria: Overcoming the Funding Challenges
4 Panellists
11.00 – 11.30
Q&A Morning session, Day 1
11.30 – 12.15
Opening of Exhibition and Networking Break
12.15 – 13.00
The Competition is Keen: Why Nigeria must Shape up or Miss the Boat.
An in-depth overview of alternative foreign bunkering locations e.g. Las Palmas, offshore ports in East Africa such as Mozambique, Nacala, Mauritius etc. and how they can act as examples to help Nigeria adapt best standards and practices to expand bunkering services in Nigeria.
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 14.45
Keynote Dialogue: Positioning Nigeria as a Reliable and Efficient Bunker Hub on the West Coast of Africa in particular and Africa in General.

4 Panellists

14.45 – 15.30
The Global Bunker Ecosystem: The Buyers and Sellers
Summary of the global bunker markets as of now including most prominent ‘ players ‘ to include ship owners, large traders, physical bunker suppliers, brokers, third party service providers such as port agents and surveyors.
15.30 – 16.15
Post 2020 Understanding the New Marine Fuels Requirements (IMO Regulatory Updates)

4 Panellists

Gain first-hand insights of the latest updates from the IMO The growing pressure for all shipping and oil companies to reduce emissions and move away from fossil fuels. This is a huge and critical topic now which hit the markets in 2020 as all players faced new legislation in reducing sulphur content in fuels etc. This is the main challenge for the Nigerian bunker industry and is a key issue to discuss and promote at the conference.

16.15 – 16.45
Alternative Bunker Fuels and the Quest for Net Zero Carbon Emissions
Alternative bunker fuels including LNG, methanol and ammonia are vigorously being tested as viable options for ship owners and oil producers as Net Zero Pathways for Marine Fuels. Nigeria is well placed here in this respect with such natural resources and should be taking the lead to promote this massive issue especially being the ‘jewel in the West African oil markets.
16.45 – 17.00
Q&A - Closing Day 1
19.00 – 21.00
Evening Program
Networking Welcome Dinner.

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 (Day 2)

8.00 – 9.00
Registration and Coffee
9.00 – 9.45
Regional Focus - Bunker Business in the West Coast of Africa.

The panel will discuss Nigeria’s strategic location as an Important Bunkering Location in the West Coast of Africa. How does the Nigerian bunker market sit within the world market especially for West African ports and offshore deliveries? What is the perception of global players in assessing the bunker infrastructure and reputation at Nigerian ports? Offshore Nigeria bunkering versus in port bunkering and especially the larger offshore West Africa bunker markets.

In addition the various bunker terminals available is sub-Saharan region along with the bunkering anchorage areas. The vast experience of the panelist for this session will highlight the rich natural resources of Nigeria in respect to oil and gas industries and the potential for a vibrant and huge bunker industry. It will allow the audience to understand how the location of Nigeria positions her as a great bunker hub on the West Coast of Africa.

9.45 – 10.30
Keynote Address: Energy Markets and Transition Outlook. Trade and Supply Chains
10.30 – 11.15
Overview of Nigeria’s Maritime Emergency Preparedness for Ports
4 Panellists
11.15 – 11.45
Coffee and Networking Break
11.45 – 12.30
Connecting the Dots: Striking the Right Balance – Customer Demand, Climate Goals and Resilient Supply Chain.

4 Panellists

How can Nigerian bunker suppliers address the current commercial needs with respect to expectations from the marine fuels supply chain, fuel requirements and demand timelines for low carbon fuels.

12.30 – 13.00
Q&A Morning session, Day 2
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 14.45
Understanding how to Manage Structural and Market Complexities of An Evolving Marine Fuel Industry

4 Panellists

  • Integration with new fuels and new markets
  • Carbon market requirements
  • Compliance costs
14.45 – 15.30
Oil Markets Volatility– Implications for Nigeria’s bunker industry.

4 Panellists

  • Current state of play and ability to deal with price shocks Price trends and outlook
  • Marine fuels supply sources on the West Coast of Africa.
  • Marine fuel price drivers on the West Coast of Africa.
15.30 – 16.15
Understanding the Market Demands, Transparency and Market Risk Management.

4 Panellists

  • Immediate, short and medium-term volume projections
  • Current trade market behaviours and risks
  • Supply chain and origination issues
  • Credit
16.15 – 17.00
Marine Fuel Quality and Dispute Resolution.

4 Panellists

  • Challenges associated with verification and control mechanisms
  • Recent trends in VLSFO, ULSGO quality and the guidance
  • Problem arising during operations and remedies
  • Claims and dispute resolution
19.00 – 21.00
Evening Program
Networking Dinner.

Thursday, August 1 2024 (Day 3)

8.00 – 9.00
Registration and Coffee
9.00 – 10.30
Major Stake Holders Dialogue: The Role of Government and Government Agencies as Partners in Progress.

4 Panellists

For the Nigeria bunker industry to grow to become the number one bunker hub on the West Coast of Africa the role of the Nigerian Government and its agencies and organisations cannot be overstated.

The need to address proper and adequate government policies, Dealing with the risks and threats which includes geopolitical tension, cyber-attacks, crude oil price, decarbonisation, climate-change adaptation, global economic crisis and piracy/theft.

How to leverage the Nigeria Oil and Gas Excellence Center (NOGEC) a Search Rescue and Surveillance Coordination Centre for the Oil and Gas Industry for maritime industry safety.

  • Nigeria Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA)
  • NNPC
  • Shippers Council
  • Nigerian navy
  • Nigerian Customs
  • Nigerian Ports Authority
  • Ministry of Transport
  • Nigerian Maritime and Safety Agency (NIMASA)
  • Nigeria Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA)
10.30 – 11.00
Q & A
11.00 – 11.30
Networking Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.30
Keynote Conversations: Forecasting Bunkering Trends Towards 2030 and Shipping Decarbonisation Discourse.

4 Panellists

  • Role of technology
  • Trends towards decarbonisation
  • Energy efficiency and ship design trends
  • Regulation, policy, and future developments
  • Carbon tax regimes and implications for pricing
  • Nigeria’s positioning in the emerging projected market
12.30 – 13.00
Q & A
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 14.45
Current World Status in LNG Bunkering: Whither Nigeria?

Moderator: Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation
4 Panellists

  • Global demand and order book outlook
  • Addressing the Green House Gases (GHG) debate
  • Current government policy and infrastructure investment
  • Present situation and medium term projections
  • Emerging technology drivers
14.45 – 15.30
The Bio Fuels Conversation: Green Methanol, Bio methane and Biofuels.

4 Panellists

  • World overview and current status in Nigeria
  • Availability
  • The case of using green methanol as a marine fuel
  • The business cases of bio methane and other renewable gases for marine use.
  • Current work on standards
  • Assessing engine and vessel operational performance of bio fuels
  • Commercial, operational and technical feasibilities
15.30 – 16.15
Nigeria and Digitalising the Bunker Supply Chain

4 Panellists

An overview of the digital bunkering initiative and the Operational Implications for the bunker industry in Nigeria.

Globally there has been an expansion in the use of digital bunkering platforms. Some companies are offering online services to digitalise many activities in the industry. Many ship owners are very excited about this.

16.15 – 16.45
Panel Debate – Writing the new chapter for the Nigeria bunker industry – Is it Mission Impossible?
Five of the NIBIC speakers in and interactive session with conference delegates.
16.45 – 17.00
Summary of NIBIC 2023
Conference Chairman
19.00 – 21.00
Evening Program
Farewell Dinner.