NIBIC Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond Sponsor
Offline Offerings
Company Advert on the Outside Back Cover (OBC) of conference brochure.
Center spread company advertorial in the conference brochure.
Sponsor’s logo featured in the event brochure
Sponsor's logo prominently placed on the event backdrop
Exhibition space during the conference
Maximum branding opportunities at the conference venue
Distribution of company brochures, fliers & products in conference package
7 minutes pitch on your company during the Conference Welcome Dinner
Thank you to our sponsors
Branding of Opening Day Lunch
Branding of the Welcome Dinner
Co-Branding of the Coffee breaks
Complimentary Passes
3 VIP delegate passes
10 exhibitor passes
10 strategic conference passes
15 training courses passes
Digital offerings
Interview promoted on our various social media channels
Sponsor's logo on digital comms materials (social media, programmatic ads, etc.)
Sponsor’s profile and hyperlink featured on sponsor webpage
Rotating logo on our website’s homepage
Logo on electronic screens shown intermittently
Sponsor’s logo shown during the live stream to virtual participants
Sponsor’s video advert shown on event screens and to virtual participants at intervals
Platinum Sponsor
Offline Offerings
Company Advert on the Inside Front Cover (IFC) of the conference brochure.
1-page company advertorial piece in the conference brochure.
Your logo featured in the event brochure
Sponsor's logo prominently placed on the event backdrop
Exhibition space during the conference
Branding at the conference venue
Distribution of company brochures, fliers & products in conference package
5 minutes pitch on your company during the Conference Closing Dinner
Thank you to our sponsors
Branding of the Closing Day Lunch
Branding of the Closing Dinner
Co-Branding of the Coffee breaks
Complimentary Passes
2 VIP delegate passes
7 exhibitor passes
7 strategic conference passes
10 training courses passes
Digital offerings
Interview promoted on our various social media channels
Sponsor's logo on digital comms materials (social media, programmatic ads, etc.)
Sponsor’s profile and hyperlink featured on sponsor webpage
Rotating logo on our website’s homepage
Sponsor’s logo on electronic screens shown intermittently
Logo shown during the live stream to virtual participants
Sponsor’s video advert shown on event screens and to virtual participants at intervals
Gold Sponsor
Offline Offerings
Company Advert on the Inside Back Cover (IBC) of the conference brochure.
1-page company advertorial piece in the conference brochure.
Your logo featured in the event brochure
Sponsor's logo prominently placed on the event backdrop
Exhibition space during the conference
Branding at the conference venue
Distribution of company brochures, fliers & products in conference package
4 minutes pitch on your company during the Conference 2nd-Day conference dinner
Thank you to our sponsors
Branding of the 2nd Day Conference Dinner
Co-Branding of the Coffee breaks
Complimentary Passes
1 VIP delegate passes
5 exhibitor passes
5 strategic conference passes
8 training courses passes
Digital offerings
Interview promoted on our various social media channels
Sponsor's logo on digital comms materials (social media, programmatic ads, etc.)
Sponsor’s profile and hyperlink featured on sponsor webpage
Rotating logo on our website’s homepage
Logo on electronic screens shown intermittently
Logo shown during the live stream to virtual participants
Sponsor’s video advert shown on event screens and to virtual participants at intervals
Silver Sponsor
Offline Offerings
Inside page (facing Front Cover) advert on NIBIC brochure
Sponsor’s logo featured in the event brochure
Sponsor's logo present on the event backdrop
Half page advertorial piece in the conference brochure.
Exhibition space during the conference
Minimal branding opportunities at the conference venue
Distribution of company brochures, fliers & products in conference package
Branding of the 2nd Day Conference Lunch
Co-Branding of the Coffee breaks
Complimentary Passes
3 exhibitor passes
3 strategic conference passes
6 training courses passes
Digital offerings
Sponsor's logo on digital comms materials (social media, programmatic ads, etc.)
Sponsor’s logo present on the NIBIC website
Logo on electronic screens shown intermittently
Logo shown during the live stream to virtual participants
Sponsor’s video advert shown on event screens and to virtual participants at intervals
Bronze Sponsor
Offline Offerings
Inside page advert on NIBIC brochure
Sponsor’s logo featured in the event brochure
Sponsor's logo present on the event backdrop
150 word advertorial piece in the conference brochure.
Exhibition space during the conference
Very minimal branding opportunities at the conference venue
Distribution of company brochures, fliers & products in conference package
Thank you to our sponsors
Co-Branding of the Coffee breaks
Complimentary Passes
2 exhibitor passes
3 strategic conference passes
4 training courses passes
Digital offerings
Sponsor's logo on digital comms materials (social media, programmatic ads, etc.)
Logo on electronic screens shown intermittently
Logo shown during the live stream to virtual participants
Sponsor’s logo present on the NIBIC website
Sponsor’s video advert shown on event screens and to virtual participants at intervals
Associate Sponsor
Offline Offerings
Inside page advert on NIBIC brochure
Sponsor’s logo featured in the event brochure
Sponsor's logo present on the event backdrop
100 word advertorial piece in the conference brochure.
Exhibition space during the conference
Distribution of company brochures, fliers & products in conference package
Thank you to our sponsors
Complimentary Passes
1 exhibitor passes
2 strategic conference passes
2 training courses passes
Digital Offerings
Logo on electronic screens shown intermittently
Logo shown during the live stream to virtual participants
Sponsor’s logo present on the NIBIC website
Sponsor’s video advert shown on event screens and to virtual participants at intervals
Other Packages for Individual Sponsors
- Delegate Badges and Lanyards ₦12,600,000
Badges and lanyards are worn during all courses, seminar, conferences and all networking events. These display the sponsor’s logo on the badge and around the lanyard. All delegates will be required to wear the badges in the formal sessions as well as the exhibition.
- Delegate Bags ₦12,600,000
Every delegate receives a bag displaying the sponsor’s logo. The bag contains the full NIBIC 2023 programme folder and publications from organising companies and supporting media.
- Official T-Shirts ₦9,000,000
Sponsor the Conference T-Shirts and have your company logo on the official NIBIC 2023 T-Shirts.
- Official Caps ₦9,000,000
Official NIBIC 2023 caps with sponsor’s logo, which are distributed to all, delegates, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors.
- Notepads and Pens ₦12,600,000
Sponsor the notepads and pens, which are used by all conference delegates during the NIBIC 2023. Your logo will be displayed on both.
- Bottled Water ₦12,600,000
Every delegate and speaker will drink from water bottles decorated with your logo throughout the event.
- Delegate Folders ₦9,000,000
A full-colour advertisement on the back of the delegate folder given to all conference delegates.