NIBIC Training Courses

The Nigeria International Bunker Industry Conference (NIBIC) will host its Industry-leading training courses facilitated by renowned experts in the bunkering industry. These training courses are learning and capacity building opportunities aimed at enhancing the individuals understanding of the Bunker Industry. It is also affords participants the opportunity for networking and making connections.

Young people coming into the industry, ship owners, traders, suppliers etc. will find the training courses beneficial.

This 2-day bunkering training courses with information rich modules covering a number of aspects in the bunkering industry will be held on the Thursday May 9, 2024 and Friday May 10, 2024 preceding the Nigeria International Bunker Industry Conference.

Events In Progress.

Thursday May 9, 2024

8.00 – 9.00
Registration for Training
9.00 – 11.00
Course 1: Bunker Basics (Session 1)

This course is designed for newcomers to bunkering Industry. Basic bunkering and it’s meaning – who the players are and what are the main principles to educate newcomers on.

This course facilitated by a leading expert(s) in the industry is both for the newcomers and the experienced bunker industry practitioners.

It gives a step by step guide as to how bunker deliveries are executed from start to finish encapsulating the basics, technical, operational, environmental, commercial and legal issues.

This course gives participants the needed introduction to how the bunker industry works.

11.00 – 11.15
Networking and Coffee Break
11.15 – 13.00
Course 1: Bunker Basics (Session 2)
Conclusion of Bunker Basics
13.00 – 14.00
Lunch Break
14.00 – 16.00
Course 2: Bunkering on the West Coat of Africa: The Challenges and Opportunities.
What are the main issues and obstacles that prevail within the West African bunker markets and how to manage them and improve the all round reputation of the industry in this crucial part of the world for oil and shipping.
16.00 – 16.30
Networking and Coffee Break
16.30 – 18.00
Course 2: Bunkering on the West Coast of Africa: The Challenges and Opportunities. (Session 2)
Conclusion of Bunkering on the West Coast of Africa: The Challenges and Opportunities.

Friday May 10, 2024

8.00 – 9.00
Registration for Training
9.00 – 11.00
Course 3 - Green Fuels and their Bunker Trajectory (Session 1)
  • The emergence of alternative greener bunker products
  • Types of available bunker fuels
  • Production, transportation, storage and distribution of the fuels
  • Reasons for promoting alternative fuels
  • Market adoption of the new fuels.
  • Existing regulations with respect to production, storage and distribution
  • Measurement of quality and quantity
  • Synthetic fuels and use in bunkering
  • The Economics of Alternative Fuels
  • What are the time scales forecasted to really change the dynamics for modern fuels and less reliance on fossil fuels. 
11.00 – 11.15
Networking and Coffee Break
11.15 – 13.00
Course 3: Green Fuels and their Bunker Trajectory (Session 2)

Conclusion of Green Fuels and their Bunker Trajectory

13.00 – 14.00
Lunch Break
14.00 – 16.00
Course 4: Digitalisation of the Bunker Supply Chain (Session 1)

The rise of the digitalisation in the Bunker Industry is growing. Nigeria and West Coast operators in the bunker industry need to know, understand and key into this trend.  Globally there has been an expansion in the use of digital bunkering platforms.

The Digitalisation of the Bunker Supply Chain course gives a holistic overview of the digital bunkering initiative and the Operational Implications for the bunker industry in Nigeria.

Some companies are offering online services to digitalise many activities in the industry. There are companies that have developed programmes and software, which, identifies real value for the bunker buyer when assessing prices from physical bunker suppliers versus the energy that their bunker fuels provide.  As such, it breaks the myth that the lowest price is always the goal. It will not work if the cheapest fuel produces the least energy for your ship so buyers are being educated by signing up to such digital platforms.  However, before a ship owner signs up for a given platform, it will be necessary to have acquired a good understanding of the digitilisation of the bunker industry by attending this course.

16.00 – 16.30
Networking and Coffee Break
16.30 – 18.00
Course 4: Digitalisation of the Bunker Supply Chain (Session 2)

Conclusion of Digitalisation of the Bunker Supply Chain